Adding/Editing the IPsec Tunnel
When you click the Add button or select an IPsec tunnel and click the Edit button, the following
window is displayed:
Configure the following parameters:
Name Provide a name for the IPsec VPN tunnel to make it easy to identify.
Text Characteristics: Maximum of 16 characters, spaces not allowed
Specify the authentication method that will be used between VPN peers to
authenticate the VPN tunnel.
Data Options:
z Shared Secret—A text-based secret that is used to authenticate the IPsec
tunnel (case sensitive). This applies to all VPN tunnels (IPsec and
z RSA Signature—RSA signatures are used to authenticate the IPsec
tunnel. When using this authentication method, you must download the
IPsec RSA public key to the IOLAN and upload the IPsec RSA public key
from the IOLAN to the VPN gateway.
z X.509 Certificate—X.509 certificates are used to authenticate the IPsec
tunnel. When using this authentication method, you must include the
signing authority’s certificate information in the SSL/TLS CA list and
download it to the IOLAN.
Default: Shared Secret