IOLAN SDS/SCS/STS/MDC User’s Guide, Version 4.5 339
System Administration Chapter 15
This chapter addresses the functions that the admin user or a user with Admin Level privileges might
do. This chapter uses the DeviceManager as the configuration method described in most
administrative functions. As a general rule, administrative functions are accessed from the menu bar
in the DeviceManager and under the
Administration option in the WebManager’s navigation tree.
Managing Configuration Files
Saving Configuration Files
When you connect to the IOLAN using either DeviceManager or WebManager, the IOLAN’s active
configuration file is loaded into the configurator. To save a backup of the configuration file locally,
do the following:
z In DeviceManager:
1. From the menu bar, select File, Save As.
2. In the Save As dialog box, specify a name and format for the file. Notice that you can save
the file as either a
.dme or a .txt file. Either file format can be imported into the
DeviceManager and downloaded to the IOLAN in the future. The
.dme is a binary file and
.txt file is a text file that can be viewed in any text editor.
3. Click Save.
z In WebManager:
1. In the navigation tree, select the Administration option.
2. In the configuration area, click the Backup/Restore button.
3. Select the tab corresponding to the transfer method you wish to use. The options are;
z Web - Uses HTTP to transfer the data
z TFTP - Uses Trivial File Transfer Protocol to transfer the data
z SFTP - Uses Secure File Transfer Protocol to transfer the data.
Note: For both TFTP or SFTP, you must have a host on your network which will act as the
TFTP or SFTP server. HTTP does not require any other host.
4. In the Backup group box, select the format (Binary or Text) in which you want to save the
file. Either file format can be imported into the DeviceManager and downloaded to the
IOLAN in the future.
5. Click the Backup Configuration button.