Configuration Methods 66
Several IOLAN parameters can be configured through a DHCP/BOOTP server during the IOLAN
bootup. This is particularly useful for configuring multiple IOLANs.
Not all configuration parameters are supported in the DHCP/BOOTP configuration (see
DHCP/BOOTP Parameters for supported configuration parameters), so you will need to use another
configuration method, such as DeviceManager, WebManager or CLI, to complete the configuration.
DHCP/BOOTP supports the following features:
z DHCP/BOOTP can supply the IOLAN’s IP address.
z The DHCP/BOOTP server can configure certain server and user configuration parameters when
the IOLAN is booted.
z The DHCP/BOOTP server can auto-configure the IOLAN with basic setup information (IP
address, subnet/prefix bits, etc.).
z The DHCP/BOOTP server can download a new version of firmware when the IOLAN is
z The DHCP/BOOTP server can download a full configuration file when the IOLAN is rebooted.
Connecting to the IOLAN Using DHCP/BOOTP
The IOLAN will automatically request an IP address from the DCHP/BOOTP server when the
Obtain IP address automatically using DHCP/BOOTP parameter is enabled. To enable the Obtain
IP address automatically using DHCP/BOOTP
parameter, follow the directions in Using a Direct
Serial Connection to Enable BOOTP/DHCP .
To use DHCP/BOOTP, edit the bootp file with IOLAN configuration parameters. You can use
DHCP/BOOTP to perform the following actions on a single or multiple IOLANs on bootup:
z auto-configure with minimal information; for example, only an IP address
z auto-configure with basic setup information (IP address, subnet/prefix bits, etc.)
z download a new version of firmware
z download a full configuration file
DHCP/BOOTP is particularly useful for multiple installations: you can do all the IOLANs’
configuration in one DHCP/BOOTP file, rather than configure each IOLAN manually. Another
advantage of DHCP/BOOTP is that you can connect the IOLAN to the network, turn on its power
and let autoconfiguration take place. All the configuration is carried out for you during the
DHCP/BOOTP process.