Philips Medical Systems
Defibrillation warnings and cautions
CAUTION Use only Philips-approved data cards. The HeartStart FR2+ may perform
improperly if non-approved accessories are used.
safety level possible electrical interference with ECG monitoring
WARNING Radio-frequency (RF) interference from devices such as cellular
phones and two-way radios can cause improper HeartStart FR2+
operation. The HeartStart FR2+ should be used at least 6 feet (2
meters) away from RF devices, as stated in accordance with EN
safety level possible improper device performance
safety level possible shock hazard
WARNING Defibrillation current can cause operator or bystander injury. Do not
touch the patient during defibrillation. Disconnect the pads connector
from the HeartStart FR2+ before using any other defibrillator.
safety levels possible ECG misinterpretation
WARNING For safety reasons, some very low-amplitude or low-frequency heart
rhythms may not be interpreted by the HeartStart FR2+ as shockable
VF rhythms. Also, some VT rhythms may not be interpreted as
shockable rhythms.
WARNING Handling or transporting the patient during heart rhythm analysis can
cause an incorrect or delayed diagnosis. If the HeartStart FR2+ gives
SHOCK ADVISED prompt, keep the patient as still as possible for at
least 15 seconds so the HeartStart FR2+ can reconfirm the rhythm
analysis before a shock is delivered.