Philips Medical Systems
defibrillation shock. Use only DP2/DP6, M3870A, M3713A, and M3716A
defibrillator pads with the HeartStart FR2+.
ECG .......................................... Electrocardiogram, a display or printout of the electrical rhythm of the heart
as detected through defibrillator pads.
event ........................................ An action recognized or performed by the HeartStart FR2+ as a step in the
sequence of using the device in an incident. Examples include: applying the
pads and connecting them to the HeartStart FR2+, analyzing heart rhythm,
delivering a shock, etc.
fibrillation ................................ A disturbance of the normal heart rhythm that results in chaotic, disorganized
activity that cannot effectively pump blood. Ventricular fibrillation (fibrillation
in the lower chambers of the heart) is associated with sudden cardiac arrest.
heart rhythm
(ECG) analysis .................. A system used by the FR2+ to determine if the patient’s heart rhythm is
shockable — ventricular fibrillation (VF) or certain ventricular tachycardias
(VTs). See “
SMART analysis.”
HeartStart Event Review ...... A dedicated data management software system (formerly sold as
CodeRunner) for use with the HeartStart FR2+. It is available from Philips
Medical Systems on CD or on the world wide web at
impedance .............................. Electrically, this is the total opposition offered by the body to the flow of the
electrical shock waveform delivered by the HeartStart FR2+. The FR2+
automatically monitors the electrical impedance between the defibrillator
pads placed on the patient’s bare skin, and adjusts the shock waveform
incident .................................... The series of events involved in treating a patient with the HeartStart FR2+.
............... A method of sending information using a special part of the light spectrum. It
is used to transmit information to and from the HeartStart FR2+ and another
FR2+ or a computer running HeartStart Event Review software.
manual charge ....................... A feature of the advanced mode used by an authorized ALS-certified
responder that allows the user to arm the HeartStart FR2+ for shock delivery.
manual disarm ....................... A feature of the advanced mode used by an authorized ALS-certified
responder that allows the user to dump the HeartStart FR2+ charge
monitoring .............................. A mode of background analysis to determine if patient rhythm has changed
to a shockable rhythm.