ECG Lead Placements 6 ECG, Arrhythmia, and ST Monitoring
Modified 12-Lead ECG
Choosing Standard or Modified Electrode Placement
If your institution uses modified 10 Lead ECG electrode placement (the Mason-Likar Lead System),
you must switch Mod. Lead Placment to On in the monitor. To do this,
♦ in the Setup ECG menu, select Mod. LeadPlacement to toggle between On and Off.
–When Mod. Lead Placment is set to On, 12 Lead ECG Reports will be labelled 12 Lead
ECG Report (Mason-Likar), and captured 12-lead ECGs will be labelled Mason-
Likar to the right of the bandwidth annotation at the Information Center.
–When Mod. LeadPlacment is set to Off, 12 Lead ECG Reports will be labelled 12
Lead ECG Report, and captured 12-lead ECGs will not be annotated at the Information
WARNING Do not use ECG analysis interpretation statements and measurements for 12-lead ECGs obtained
using the modified (Mason-Likar) limb electrode placement.This may lead to misdiagnosis since the
modified (Mason-Likar) limb electrode placement does not look the same as the conventional 12-lead
ECG and may mask inferior infarction due to calculated axis, R, P and T wave magnitudes shifts and
ST slope.
Do not export 12-lead ECGs obtained using the modified (Mason-Likar) limb electrode placement.
Captured 12-Lead ECGs using the modified (Mason-Likar) limb electrode placement exported from
the Information Center are not annotated with the Mason-Likar label.
Labelling 12-Lead ECG Reports
To label 12-lead ECG monitor reports and Captured 12-lead ECGs reports:
♦ In the Setup ECG menu, select Mod. LeadPlacement to toggle between On and Off.
Mod LeadPlacement is set to On:
If your institution uses modified 10
Lead ECG electrode placement (the
Mason-Likar Lead System), place the
four limb electrodes close to the
shoulders and lower abdomen.
The six V electrodes are placed on the
chest in the same position as the
conventional 12-lead placement.
Angle of Lewis
V1 - V6