BIS Window 19 Monitoring BIS
select Stop Cyclic Check in the BIS Impedance Check Window.
If you stop a Cyclic Impedance Check before the ground electrode has passed, a ground electrode
impedance check will be started automatically. This cannot be switched off.
BIS Window
♦ To open the BIS window, in the Setup BIS menu, select Show Sensor.
The window may look slightly different on your monitor. The graphic in the BIS Window
automatically adapts to show the type of sensor you are using, showing three or four electrodes as
required. Each symbol in the graphic represents an electrode and illustrates the most recently-measured
impedance status of the electrodes. Although BIS may still be measured when the electrode status is red
or yellow, for best performance, all electrodes should be green.
In addition, if the measured electrode-to skin impedance of any electrode or electrode combination is
above the limit, or if disconnected electrodes are detected, an INOP will be issued, either
BIS Impedance Indicators
Cyclic Check: 15 May 11:05
Start Cyclic Check
BIS - Quatro Sensor
Reference Electrode
Ground Electrode
Signal Electrode(s)
Time of the most recent cyclic check
Electrode-to-Skin Impedance Symbol Color Action
Electrode has no skin contact red Reconnect electrode, or check the sensor-to-
skin contact. If necessary, clean and dry skin.
Too much signal noise,
impedance cannot be measured
gray Check sensor-to-skin contact. Press sensor more
firmly to skin. If necessary, clean and dry skin.
Impedance above limit yellow Check sensor-to-skin contact. Press sensor more
firmly to skin. If necessary, clean and dry skin.
Impedance within valid range green No action necessary