oxyCRG Recordings
6-36 Recording Functions
Recording Functions
oxyCRG Recordings
You can record the contents of the oxyCRG display on an M1116B Plug-
In recorder.
Note—oxyCRG recordings can only be made on the M1116B Plug-In
recorder. The M1116A Plug-In recorder, the M1117A four channel
recorder, and the central recorder do not support oxyCRG recording.
You can manually request an oxyCRG recording, and you can configure
an alarm recording of oxyCRG.
The oxyCRG recording is always 6 minutes prior to the most recent data
on the screen. This enables you to have a hardcopy of events leading up
to the current situation. When you stop recording, the recorder stops
immediately, with the result that the most recent 6 minutes of patient
data will not be recorded.
Note—OxyCRG alarm triggered recordings differ slightly from the
oxyCRG episode recordings generated by Neonatal Events. All standard
oxyCRG recordings are realtime recordings, i.e. when the alarm occurs.
An oxyCRG episode recording is initiated by the user to document
selected events retrospectively.
Manual request: An oxyCRG recording with a fixed delay of
six minutes (corresponding to the display
content) is produced.
Alarm recording: An automatic oxyCRG recording of six
minutes of pre-alarm data and two minutes
of post-alarm data is produced.