1-12 The CMS and V24 and V26 Patient Monitors
The CMS and V24 and
V26 Patient Monitors
- press to silence an alarm or alarms that are sounding
or, if alarms are latching, to reset them.
- press to suspend or switch on all alarms. The current state
is indicated by the Alarm Suspend Lamp.
- press to return to the main monitoring screen.
- (CMS only) press to change between screen layouts
or to access a 2nd or 3rd display. You can also freeze any wave
movement on the screen (INOPs, alarms and numerics are not affected).
- press to record pre-selected waves onto a system
recorder or a bedside recorder.
- press to record pre-selected waveforms that are no
longer on the monitor screen.
- press to enable you to suspend or switch on alarms, set and
review alarm limits, enter Monitor Standby, or set the alarm volume.
- press to enable you to view data from other beds in
your group.
- press to enable you to pre-select certain system
- press to enable you to set up and perform procedures
such as Cardiac Output, Wedge Pressure (CMS only), ST analysis, Drug
Calculations, admit and discharge patients, or end a particular patient
case and transfer patient data.
- press to enable you to view vital signs and graphical
trends, make and review calculations, print reports and mark events to
view in graphs.
- press to enable you to change or adjust parameter
settings, switch parameters on or off, or set up parameters.
Main Screen
Change Screen
Realtime Record
Delayed Record
Other Patients
Monitor Setup
Module Setup