PicoScope 6 User Guide
Copyright 2006 Pico Technology Limited. All rights reserved.PSW044-2.0
Measurements table
A measurements table contains the automatic measurements that you have
instructed PicoScope to make on a particular view. You can add, delete or edit
measurements from this table.
To add a measurement
Click the Add Measurement button on the measurements toolbar .
To delete a measurement
Select a measurement in the table by clicking once on it, and then click the Delete
Measurement button on the measurements toolbar . If you delete the only
measurement in the table, the table will be removed.
To edit a measurement
If the measurement you wish to edit is selected, click the Edit Measurement
button on the measurements toolbar . Otherwise, double-click on the
To change the width of a measurement column
Drag the column's border to create
the column width you need. The
cursor will change to a column
resize symbol as shown here.