PicoScope 6 User Guide
Copyright 2006 Pico Technology Limited. All rights reserved.PSW044-2.0
Manual Ranges Setup dialog
This dialog appears when you select the Advanced option in the Range Management
dialog and then click Next >. It allows you to create ranges manually for your
custom probe.
How to use the dialog
If you wish, you can click Auto Generate Ranges and the program will create a
number of ranges for the selected device. This will create the same list of ranges that
you would have obtained by selecting Let the software manage my ranges for me
automatically in the previous dialog. When you select a range, a diagram below the
list will show its relationship to the scope device's input range — this is explained
further under Edit range dialog . You can then edit the ranges by clicking Edit, or
you can also add a new range by clicking New Range. Both of these buttons take you
to the Edit Range dialog .
Click Next to continue to the Custom Probe Identification dialog .
Click Back to return to the Range Management dialog .
How to use a new custom range
After you have created
a custom range, it will
appear in the drop-
down list of ranges in
the channels toolbar,
like this: