Black plate (10,1)
! Thisfunction isenabled for playback on the
sources listed below.
— MP3/WMA/AAC/WAV fileson USBstorage
— MP3/WMA/AACfiles on CDmedia
— iPod
— Pandora
This functionis notavailable onan iPodwith
lightning connectoror Androiddevices.
! Thesound retriever settingis turned off
when the MIXTRAXfunction is used in USB
source mode.
Changing the wide-screen
Selecting theappropriate screen
ratio forthe playbackvideo.
1 Display the screen mode.
2 Touchthe desired wide modesetting.
Full (full screen)
The 4:3 pictureis enlarged in the horizontaldi-
rection only, granting viewers a4:3 TV picture
(normal picture) withoutany omissions.
Zoom (zoom)
The 4:3 pictureis enlarged in the samepropor-
tion both verticallyand horizontally; idealfor a
cinema sized picture(wide screen picture).
Normal (normal)
The 4:3 pictureis displayed as is, grantingview-
ers no senseof disparity as the proportionsare
the same asthat of the normal picture.
! You cannot operate thisfunction while driv-
! Differentsettings canbe stored for each
video source.
! Whena video isviewed in a widescreen
mode that doesnot match its original aspect
ratio, it mayappear different.
! Remember thatusing the wide mode feature
of this system forcommercial or public view-
ing purposes mayconstitute an infringement
on the author’s rights protected bythe Copy-
right Law.
! Thevideo imagewill appear coarser when
viewed in Zoommode.
! Thisfunction isenabled for playback on the
sources listed below.
— Disc:DVD-V,Video-CD, DivX,MPEG-1,
— iPod:Video
— AV: A/Vdata
— AUX:A/V data
Opening and closing the LCD
The LCD panelwill open or close automatically
when the ignitionswitch is turned on oroff. You
can turn off theautomatic close/open function.
! Donot closethe LCD panel by forcewith
your hands. Thatwill cause a malfunction.
! Theautomatic close/openfunction will oper-
ate the displayas follows.
— When theignition switch is turned OFF
while the LCDpanel is opened, the LCD
panel will closeafter six seconds.
— When theignition switch is turned ON
again (or turnedto ACC), the LCD panel
will open automatically.
— Removing orattaching the front panel
will automatically closeor open the LCD
panel. (Referto Protecting yourunit from
theft on page6.)
! Whenthe ignitionswitch is turned OFFafter
the LCD panelhas been closed, turning the
ignition switch ONagain (or turning it to
ACC) will notopen the LCD panel. Inthis
case, press OPEN/CLOSEto open the LCD
! Whenclosing the LCDpanel, check to make
sure that ithas closed completely. If the LCD
panel has stoppedhalfway, leaving itlike this
could result indamage.
Keep hands andfingers clear of the unit when
opening, closing, oradjusting the LCD panel. Be
especially cautious ofchildren’s hands and fin-
% PressOPEN/CLOSE to open theLCD
# Toclose theLCD panel,press OPEN/CLOSE
Setting the automatic open
To preventthe display from hitting theshift lever
of an automaticvehicle when it is inthe P (park)
position, or whenyou do not wish the displayto
open/close automatically, you can setthe auto-
matic open functionto manual mode.
1 Press the homebutton to switch tothe
home display.
2 Touchthe system key to openthe system
3 TouchAuto Flap to select whetherto
open/close the displayautomatically or man-
Each time youtouch Auto Flap the setting
switches between:
! On– TheLCD panel willopen orclose auto-
matically whenthe ignitionswitch is turned
on oroff.
! Off– Youhave to pressOPEN/CLOSE to
open/close theLCD panel.
Turning the LCD panel horizontally
When the LCDpanel is upright and hindersthe
operation of theair conditioner, the panel can
be turned horizontallytemporarily.
1 Press and holdOPEN/CLOSE to display
the flap menu.
2 Touchthe flip down temporarily keyto
flip the LCDpanel down to the horizontal
Flips theLCD paneldown to
the horizontalposition tem-
Common operations
Basic operations