Black plate (54,1)
About iPod settings
! Whenan iPod isconnected, this unitchanges
the EQ(equalizer) settingof the iPod tooff in
order tooptimize theacoustics. Whenyou dis-
connect theiPod, theEQ returnsto theoriginal
! Youcannot set Repeatto offon theiPod when
using thisunit. Repeatis automatically
changed toAll whenthe iPod is connectedto
this unit.
Incompatible textsaved onthe iPod willnot be dis-
played bythe unit.
DVD-R/RW discs
Unfinalized DVD-R/RWdiscs whichhave been re-
corded inthe Videoformat (videomode) cannot
be playedback.
Playbackof DVD-R/RW discsmay notbe possible,
due todisc characteristics,scratches or dirton
the disc,or dirt,condensation, etc.on the lensof
this unit.
Depending onthe applicationsettings andthe en-
vironment, playbackof discsrecorded ona com-
puter maynot bepossible. (Fordetails, contactthe
manufacturer ofthe application.)
CD-R/RW discs
When CD-R/RWdiscs areused, playback ispossi-
ble onlyfor discswhich have beenfinalized.
Playbackof CD-R/RW discsrecorded on amusic
CD recorderor acomputer may notbe possible
due todisc characteristics,scratches or dirton
the disc,or dirt,condensation, etc.,on the lensof
this unit.
Depending onthe applicationsettings andthe en-
vironment, playbackof discsrecorded ona com-
puter maynot bepossible. (Fordetails, contactthe
manufacturer ofthe application.)
Playbackof CD-R/RW discsmay becomeimpossi-
ble incase ofdirect exposureto sunlight, high
temperatures, orthe storageconditions inthe ve-
Titles andother textinformation recordedon a
CD-R/RW discmay notbe displayed bythis unit
(in thecase ofaudio data(CD-DA)).
DualDiscs aretwo-sided discsthat have arecord-
able CDfor audioon oneside and arecordable
DVD for videoon theother.
Playbackof the DVDside is possiblewith thisunit.
However,since the CDside ofDualDiscs is not
physically compatiblewith thegeneral CDstand-
ard, itmay notbe possibleto play theCD sidewith
this unit.
Frequentloading andejecting ofa DualDisc may
result inscratches onthe disc.Serious scratches
can leadto playbackproblems onthis unit. In
some cases,a DualDiscmay becomestuck in the
disc loadingslot andwill noteject. To preventthis,
we recommendyou refrainfrom usingDualDisc
with thisunit.
Please referto theinformation from thedisc man-
ufacturer for moredetailed informationabout
DivX video files
Depending onthe compositionof the fileinforma-
tion,such as thenumber ofaudio streams or file
size, theremay bea slightdelay when playing
back discs.
Some specialoperations maybe prohibiteddue to
the compositionof theDivX files.
Only DivXfiles downloadedfrom aDivX partner
site areguarantee forproper operation.Unauthor-
ized DivXfiles maynot operateproperly.
DRM rentalfiles cannotbe operated untilplay-
back isstarted.
Recommendedfile size: 2GBor lesswith atrans-
mission rateof 2Mbpsor less.
The IDcode ofthis unit mustbe registeredto a
DivX VODprovider inorder toplayback DivX VOD
files. For informationon ID codes,refer toDisplay-
ing theDivX
VOD registrationcode onpage 32.
Formore detailsabout DivX, visitthe following
MPEG-1/MPEG-2/MPEG-4 video files
Elapsed playbacktime maynot bedisplayed cor-
Audio compatibility (USB)
Fileextension: .wav
Quantization bits:8 and16 (LPCM), 4(MS
Sampling frequency: 16kHzto 48kHz(LPCM),
22.05kHzand 44.1kHz(MS ADPCM)
Compressed audio
compatibility (disc, USB)
Fileextension: .wma
Bit rate:48 kbpsto 320 kbps(CBR), VBR
Sampling frequency: 32kHz to48 kHz
WindowsMedia ä Audio Professional, Lossless,
Voice/DRMStream/Stream withvideo: Notcom-
Fileextension: .mp3
Bit rate:8kbps to320kbps(CBR), VBR
Sampling frequency: 8kHzto 48kHz(32kHz,
44.1kHz,48kHz foremphasis)
Compatible ID3tag version:1.0, 1.1,2.2, 2.3, 2.4
(ID3 tagVersion2.x isgiven priority overVersion
M3u playlist:Not compatible
MP3i (MP3interactive), mp3PRO: Notcompatible
Compatible format:AAC encodedby iTunes
Fileextension: .m4a
Sampling frequency: 11.025kHz to48 kHz
Bit rate:16kbpsto 320kbps
Apple Lossless:Not compatible
AAC filebought fromthe iTunes Store(.m4p file
extension): Notcompatible
DivX compatibility (disc)
Compatible format:DivX videoformat imple-
mented inrelation toDivX standards
Fileextensions: .avi or.divx
DivX Ultraformat: Notcompatible
DivX HDformat: Notcompatible
Additional information
Additional information