As described in Section 3.3.3 of this manual, the LaserBarcode Standard was officially
revised by the LaserBarcode Association on August 1, 1992, to create the new
LaserBarcode 2 (LB2) standard command set. LB2 contains all of the barcode
functions available with the original LaserBarcode standard command set as well
as new barcode functions that provide for Time Searches and Time Segment plays
on CLV discs, slow motion playback on CAV discs, and access to digital audio.
Samples of the original LaserBarcode commands are on page D-1 of this Appendix.
Samples of of the “Extended Commands” included in the LB2 command set are
provided below:
LaserBarcode 2
Commands & Logo
Appendix D LaserBarcode & LB2 Commands & Logos TP 117 v. 2.0 • 12/93 D-3
LaserBarcode 2 Extended Command Set Sample Barcodes
Extended Independent Commands
Digital Audio Stereo
Digital Audio Ch 1/L
Digital Audio Ch 2/R
Slow Forward 1 (CAV
Slow Forward 2 (CAV
Slow Forward 3 (CAV
Slow Forward 4 (CAV
Slow Reverse 1 (CAV
Slow Reverse 2 (CAV
Slow Reverse 3 (CAV
Slow Reverse 4 (CAV
(Continued on next page)
Instructs the player to spin up the disc from a
park position and pause at frame 1 (CAV
discs) or at time number 0:00:00 (CLV discs)
with video squelched.
Sets the audio control attribute to "digital
stereo," plays back left and right digital audio
channels simultaneously.
Sets the audio control attribute to "digital
channel 1," plays back digital left channel
Sets the audio control attribute to "digital
channel 2," plays back digital right channel
Slow Forward 1
- Instructs the player to play
forward at 1/4 the normal speed.
Slow Forward 2
- Instructs the player to play
forward at 1/8 the normal speed.
Slow Forward 3
- Instructs the player to play
forward, displaying 1 frame / second.
Slow Forward 4
- Instructs the player to play
forward direction, 1 frame / 3 seconds.
Slow Reverse 1
- Instructs the player to play in
reverse at 1/4 the normal speed.
Slow Reverse 2
- Instructs the player to play in
reverse at 1/8 the normal speed.
Slow Reverse 3
- Instructs the player to play in
a reverse direction, 1 frame / second.
Slow Reverse 4
- Instructs the player to play in
reverse, 1 frame / 3 seconds.