4.7 Level III Command Descriptions
This section of the manual contains a detailed explanation of each Level III
command available for use when controlling the CLD-V2600 or CLD-V2400 from
an external computer or controller. The format used to describe each command is
as follows:
Title: The command name with a notation indicating whether the
command applies to a LaserDisc, Compact Disc or both.
Function: A description of what the command does.
Format: The command mnemonic used to send the command to the player.
Explanation: A description of how the command is executed.
Execution: An example of how to execute the command.
4.7.1 Player Control Commands
Function: Door is opened.
Format: O P
Explanation: The Door Open Mode is the state where the disc tray is opened to
change the disc, or the tray is drawn out.
If this command is sent when the player is in Park, the door is
opened and the Door Open Mode starts. This command is also
effective in other modes; disc rotation stops and then the door is
opened. An error, E04, is returned if the door is already opened.
Execution: * Park Mode
O P <C/R> R <C/R>
* Door Open Mode
Function: Door is closed.
Format: C O
Explanation: When the player door is open and this command is received, the
player closes the door and enters Park. The completion status is
returned just after the door has closed. If this command is sent
when the player is in some mode other than Door Open, or if the
door is already closed, an error message, E04, will be returned.
Execution: * Door Open Mode
C O <C/R> R <C/R>
* Park Mode
CLD-V2600 / 2400 Level I & III • Chapter Four
CLD-V2600 / 2400 Level I & III User’s Manual TP 117 v. 2.0 • 12/93 4-11