2 Use M.C. to select a category/song.
Changing thename ofsong orcategory
1 Turn M.C.
Playlists (playlists)—Artists(artists) —Albums
(albums)—Songs (songs)—Podcasts (podcasts)
—Genres(genres)—Composers (composers)—
Audiobooks (audiobooks)
1 When asong isselected, press M.C.
Seeing alist ofsongs inthe selected category
1 When acategoryis selected, pressM.C.
Playing asong inthe selectedcategory
1 When acategoryis selected, pressand holdM.C.
Searching byalphabet inthe list
1 When alist forthe selectedcategory isdisplayed,
/LIST toswitch toalphabet search mode.
2 Turn M.C.to selecta letter.
3 Press M.C.to displaythe alphabetical list.
! If alphabetsearch isaborted, NOT FOUNDis
Depending on the number of files in the iPod,
there may be a delay when displayinga list.
Advanced operations using
special buttons
Selecting arepeat playrange
1 Press
/LOC tocycle betweenthe following:
! ONE –Repeat thecurrent song
! ALL –Repeat allsongs inthe selectedlist
Playing allsongs ina random order(shuffle all)
1 Press
/IPOD toturn shuffleall on.
Playing songsrelated tothe currently playingsong
You canplay songsfrom thefollowing lists.
— Albumlist ofcurrently playingartist
— Songlist ofcurrently playingalbum
— Albumlist ofcurrently playinggenre
1 Pressand holdM.C. toswitch to thelink play
2 Turn M.C.to changethe mode;press toselect.
! Artist –Plays analbum ofcurrentlyplaying
! Album –Plays asong ofcurrently playing
! Genre– Plays analbum ofcurrently playing
The selectedsong/album willbe played afterthe
currently playingsong.
! The selectedsong/album maybe cancelled ifyou
operate functionsother thanlink search (e.g.fast
forward andreverse).
! If norelated albums/songsare found, Notfound
is displayed.
! Depending onthe songselected toplay,the end
of thecurrently playingsong and thebeginning
of theselected song/album maybe cutoff.
Operating thisunit’s iPod functionfrom youriPod
This functionis notcompatible with thefollowing
iPod models.
— iPod nano1st generation
— iPod 5thgeneration
This unit’siPodfunction allowsyou to conductopera-
tions fromyour iPod andlisten toit usingyour car’s
! Press
/IPOD andhold toswitch thecontrol
! iPod –This unit’siPodfunction can beoper-
ated fromthe connectediPod.
! AUDIO –This unit’siPodfunction can beop-
erated fromthis unit.
Enhancing compressedaudio and restoringrich
sound (soundretriever)
Referto Enhancing compressedaudioand restoring
rich sound(sound retriever) onpage 11.
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select FUNCTION.
Operating this unit