5 Push M.C. right to display the detailed
list of the selected entry.
The phone number, name and genre (if as-
signed) of entries are displayed in the detailed
# If several phone numbers are includedin an
entry, select one by turningM.C.
# If you want to go back and select another
entry, push M.C. left.
6 Use M.C. to control the following func-
Perform the following procedures to set the
Calling anumber inthe phonebook
1 PressM.C. tomake acall.
2 Toend thecall, pushM.C. down.
Editing phonenumbers
You canedit thenumbers ofPhone Book entries.
Each phonenumber canbe up to24 digitslong.
1 Pressand holdM.C. to displaythe numberinput
2 Push M.C. leftor rightto move thecursor tothe
number you wantto change.
3 Push M.C. upor downto changenumbers.
4 PressM.C. tostore thenew number.
Clearing aphone bookentry
1 Pressand holdM.C. to displaythe numberinput
2 Turn M.C.to switchto theclear memory screen.
Edit number(number inputscreen)—Clear
memory (clearmemory screen)
3 Push M.C. rightto showa confirmation display.
Clear memoryYES isdisplayed.
! If youdo notwant toclear the memory that
you haveselected, pushM.C. left. Thedisplay
reverts tonormal.
4 PressM.C. todelete thePhone Book entry.
Cleared isdisplayed.
The PhoneBook entry isdeleted. Thedisplayre-
turns toPhone Bookentry list.
Using the call history
Be sure to park your vehicle and apply the park-
ing brake when performing this operation.
The 12 most recent calls made (dialled), re-
ceived and missed, are stored in the call his-
tory. You can browse the call history and call
numbers from it.
1 Press
(list) to display the list.
Phone book—Missed call—Dialled call—Re-
ceived call
# If no phone numbers are stored in the se-
lected list, No data is displayed.
2 Turn M.C. to select a phone number.
Turning M.C. to change the phone numbers
stored in the list.
# If the phone number is already in the phone
book, the corresponding name is displayed.
# You can also change the phone numberby
pushing M.C. up or down.
3 Push M.C. right to display the detailed
Name and phone number are displayed in the
detailed list.
# If the number is already in the Phone Book
then the name is also displayed.
# Turning M.C.switches to the previous or next
phone number displayed in the detailedlist.
4 Press M.C. to make a call.
# For aninternational call, press and hold M.C.
to add + to the phone number.
5 To end the call, push M.C. down.
XM tuner
You can use this unit to control an XM satellite
digital tuner (GEX-P920XM), which is sold
Available accessories