Black plate (25,1)
! Playback is carriedout in order offile number.
Foldersare skipped if they containno files. (If
folder 01 (ROOT)contains no files, playback
commences withfolder 02.)
! When playing backfiles recorded as VBR
(variable bit rate)files, the play timewill not be
correctly displayed iffast forward or reverse
operations are used.
! When playing backMP3 files recorded asVBR
(variable bit rate)files, the bit ratevalue is not
displayed even afterswitching to bit rate.
(VBR will bedisplayed.)
! When playing backWMA files recorded as
VBR (variable bitrate) files, the averagebit
rate value isdisplayed.
! There is nosound on fast forward or reverse.
! When an MP3/WMA/AAC/WAV discis in-
serted, folder nameautomatically begins to
scroll in thedisplay. WhenEver Scroll is setto
ON at theinitial setting, folder namescrolls
continuously. AboutEver Scroll, refer to
Switching the EverScroll onpage 87.
Selecting a track directly in
the current folder
When using the remote control, you can select
a track directly by entering the desired track
1 Press DIRECT.
Track number input display appears.
2 Press 0–9 buttons to enter the desired
track number.
# You cancancel the input numberby pressing
3 Press DIRECT.
The track of entered number will play.
After entering thenumber input mode, if youdo
not perform an operationwithin about eight sec-
onds, the modeis automatically canceled.