Black plate (41,1)
2 Use MULTI-CONTROL to display the de-
tailed list of your desired Phone Book
See step 2 to 5 on Calling a number in the
Phone Book on the previous page for how to
do this.
3 Press and hold MULTI-CONTROL to dis-
play the genre input screen.
Edit genre is displayed.
4 Push MULTI-CONTROL up or down to
select a genre.
Each time MULTI-CONTROL is pushed up or
down, the genres are switched in the following
Home (home)—Mobile (mobile)—Office (of-
fice)—Others (others)
5 Press MULTI-CONTROL to assign the
genre to the phone number.
The selected genre is assigned to the phone
number, and the display reverts to the detailed
Editing the name of a Phone
Book entry
You can edit the names of Phone Book entries.
Each name can be up to 40 characters long.
1 Press LIST to display the Phone Book.
2 Use MULTI-CONTROL to display the de-
tailed list of your desired Phone Book
See step 2 to 5 on Calling a number in the
Phone Book on the previous page for how to
do this.
3 Press and hold MULTI-CONTROL to dis-
play the genre input screen.
Edit genre is displayed.
4 Turn MULTI-CONTROL clockwise or
counterclockwise to switch to the name
input screen.
Turning MULTI-CONTROL switches input
screens in the following order:
Edit genre (genre input screen)—Edit name
(name input screen)—Edit number (number
input screen)—Edit icon (icon selection
screen)—Clear memory (clear memory
5 Press DISPLAY to select the desired
character type.
Each press of DISPLAY switches the character
types in the following order:
Alphabet (upper case), numbers and symbols
—alphabet (lower case)—numbers and sym-
bols—European characters, such as those
with accents (e.g., á, à, ä, ç) or Russian char-
# Pressing and holdingDISPLAY enables you to
switch character setbetween ISO8859-1 (Eur-
opean characters) andISO8859-5 (Russian char-
acters) alternately.
# European characters andRussian characters
can’t be mixed.
6 Push MULTI-CONTROL up or down to
select a letter.
# To delete a character andleave a space, select
“_” (underbar).
7 Push MULTI-CONTROL right to move
the cursor to the next character position.
When the letter you want is displayed, push
MULTI-CONTROL right to move the cursor to
the next position and then select the next let-
ter. Push MULTI-CONTROL left to move back-
wards in the display.
8 Press MULTI-CONTROL to store the new
After the name is stored, the display reverts to
the Phone Book entry list.
Bluetooth Telephone