Watching Programs in Now Playing
Watching Programs in Now Playing
To go to Now Playing, press the TiVo button on your remote control twice, or select Now
Playing from TiVo Central. All programs stored on your Recorder are in Now Playing (no
more searching through unlabeled videotapes!). As soon as a recording begins, it appears
at the top of the list. You can watch any title in Now Playing, even one still recording.
To watch a program in Now Playing, highlight it and press PLAY ( ). If you have
watched part of the program already, it resumes from the point you stopped watching.
To see more actions you can take, highlight a title, then press SELECT or RIGHT arrow.
A Program Information screen appears and lets you select from the actions below:
• Play or Resume playing
• Keep until... To change the date when the program may be deleted, highlight the date,
then press RIGHT or LEFT arrow until the date you want appears. Press SELECT to
return to the Program Information screen.
• Stop recording or Delete Now If the recording is in progress/has finished recording.
The Channel Banner
In Tour One, you learned about the channel banner. It is also available when you are
watching a program in Now Playing. Press INFO or RIGHT arrow to see it. It only stays a
few seconds, but you can always hide it by pressing CLEAR or LEFT arrow. Just as in
live TV, you can press RIGHT arrow to switch among the channel banner’s three sizes
(small, medium, and large).
Selectable Icons. The large channel banner has different selectable icons. Each icon
controls a different feature. To use an icon, use the UP/DOWN arrows to highlight it, then
As recordings appear in Now
Playing, a colored icon to the left of
each title reflects how long each program
will be saved and whether or not it was
recorded automatically. See the inside
back cover for a glossary of these icons.
TiVo Central Now Playing on TiVo