Parental Controls
Use Parental Controls to set limits on television and movie ratings for programs on DVDs,
in live TV, or in Now Playing, and to lock specific channels so that a password is required
to view them. If you try to watch a program that violates a Parental Control, you will be
asked for the password. In addition, when Parental Controls are on, you must enter a
password to delete a program from Now Playing that violates a Parental Control.
The padlock icon shows the current state of Parental Controls:
Off. No password or controls set. Padlock appears unlocked and dark.
On. Password and controls set. Padlock appears locked and bright.
Temporarily off. Controls set but password was entered to temporarily turn off.
Padlock appears unlocked and bright.
While Parental Controls are on, you can watch a locked program or channel by pressing
SELECT, then entering the Parental Controls password. This temporarily turns off
Parental Controls.
The large version of the channel banner has a shortcut to Parental Controls; see page 29
for details.
TiVo Central Messages & Setup Settings Parental Controls