
PLANET VIP-101T CLI configuration
- 30 -
-print Display voice codec information and configuration.
This command has no default value.
b) -send
Parameter send can be used to adjust the transmission voice packet size toward
destination call party. Three packet size can be configured: 20 ms, 40 ms or 60 ms. (Note:
packet size in G.723 only can be configured as 30 and 60 ms.)
Syntax Description
-send Specify transmission packet size toward destination call party.
G.723.1: 30 ms; G.729A: 20 ms; G.729: 20 ms; G.711U: 20 ms; G.711A: 20 ms
usr/config$ voice -print
Voice codec setting relate information
Sending packet size :
G.723.1 : 30 ms
G.729A : 20 ms
G.729 : 20 ms
G.711U : 20 ms
G.711A : 20 ms
Priority order codec :
g7231 g729a g729 g711u g711a
Volume levels :
voice volume : 30
input gain : 26
dtmf volume : 23
Silence suppression & CNG:
G.723.1 : Off
Echo canceller : On
JitterBuffer Min Delay : 30
JitterBuffer Max Delay : 90
usr/config$ voice -send g723 60 g729a 60 g729 60 g711u 60 g711a 60
usr/config$ commit
This may take a few seconds, please wait....
Commit to flash memory ok!