PLANET VIP-101T CLI configuration
- 36 -
Syntax Description
-h245fs H.245 separate channel after H.323 faststart mode.
0 H.245 separate channel mode is disabled.
18. [bureau]
This parameter is used while other call party supports H.450 Hold feature. If this feature is
enabled, other call party will hear hole tone when “HOLD” button on VIP-101T keypad is
a) -print
Parameter –print can be used to display bureau setting information and configuration.
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
When H.323 fast start mode is enabled, if you wish
after connection, VIP-101T will send out Q.931 message to dest
You’ll need to specify the Keypad type as “Q.931” in System
configuration menu.
usr/config$ bureau
Bureau line setting information and configuration
bureau [-hold used]
bureau -print
-print Display Bureau line information and configuration.
-hold Specify the hold tone generation (using PCM file). (On/Off)
Setting value (On=1, Off=0).
bureau -hold 1