PMC-Sierra, Inc.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use
Pin Name Type Pin
RPRTY Output T21 UTOPIA Receive Parity (RPRTY).
The receive parity (RPRTY) signal indicates the
parity of the RDAT bus. RPRTY reflects the parity of
RDAT[15:0]. Odd or even parity selection is made
independently for every channel by using the
RXPTYP register bit (in ATM cell processors, the
four RXCP shall be programmed with the same
parity setting).RPRTY is tristated when RENB is
high. RPRTY is also tristated when either the null-
PHY address (0x1F) or an address not matching
the address space is latched from the RADR[4:0]
inputs when RENB is high.
RPRTY is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK.
RSOC Output P23 UTOPIA Receive Start of Cell (RSOC).
RSOC marks the start of cell on the RDAT bus.
RSOC is tristated when RENB is deasserted.
RSOC is also tristated when either the null-PHY
address (0x1F) or an address not matching the
address space is latched from the RADR[4:0] inputs
when RENB is high.
RSOC is sampled on the rising edge of RFCLK.
RENB Input P22 UTOPIA Receive multi-PHY Read Enable (RENB).
The RENB signal is used to initiate reads from the
receive FIFO’s. RENB works as follows. When
RENB is sampled high, no read is performed and
RDAT[15:0], RPRTY and RSOC are tristated, and
the address on RADR[4:0] is latched to select the
device or port for the next FIFO access. When
RENB is sampled low, the word on the RDAT bus is
read from the selected receive FIFO.
RENB must operate in conjunction with RFCLK to
access the FIFO’s at a high enough rate to prevent
FIFO overflows. The system may de-assert RENB
at anytime it is unable to accept another byte.
RENB is sampled on the rising edge of RFCLK.