PMC-Sierra, Inc.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use
optionally returned to the source node by signaling the corresponding Transmit
Path Overhead Processor in the local SONET/SDH equipment to insert a path
RDI indication.
Invalid pointer indications (inv_point), invalid NDF codes, new pointer indications
(new_point), discontinuous change of pointer alignment, and illegal pointer
changes are also detected and reported by the Pointer Interpreter block via
register bits. An invalid NDF code is any NDF code that does not match the NDF
enabled or NDF disabled definitions. The third occurrence of equal new_point
indications (3 x eq_new_point) is reported as a discontinuous change of pointer
alignment event (DISCOPA) instead of a new pointer event and the active offset
is updated with the receive pointer value. An illegal pointer change is defined as
a inc_ind or dec_ind indication that occurs within three frames of the previous
inc_ind, dec_ind or NDF_enable indications. Illegal pointer changes may be
optionally disabled via register bits.
The active offset value is used to extract the path overhead from the incoming
stream and can be read from an internal register.
SPE Timing
The SPE Timing Block provides SPE timing information to the Error Monitor and
the Extract blocks. The block contains a free running timeslot counter that is
initialized by a J1 byte identifier (which identifies the first byte of the SPE).
Control signals are provided to the Error Monitor and the Extract blocks to identify
the Path Overhead bytes and to downstream circuitry to extract the ATM cell
Error Monitor
The Error Monitor Block contains two 16-bit counters that are used to accumulate
path BIP-8 errors (B3), and far end block errors (FEBEs). The contents of the two
counters may be transferred to holding registers, and the counters reset under
microprocessor control.
Path BIP-8 errors are detected by comparing the path BIP-8 byte (B3) extracted
from the current frame, to the path BIP-8 computed for the previous frame.
FEBEs are detected by extracting the 4-bit FEBE field from the path status byte
(G1). The legal range for the 4-bit field is between 0000 and 1000, representing
zero to eight errors. Any other value is interpreted as zero errors.