
Indicates coded transmission of heart rate.
The inner heart flashes to the beat of your heart.
In the Time of day mode indicates that the alarm is on. In the measure mode
indicates that the sound signal will alarm if you are exercising outside your Target
Progress bullets in the measure mode.
One bullet = 10 minutes in target zone.
AGE: Insert your age in User settings.
ALARM: Indicates the alarm clock in watch settings.
AM/PM: 12 hour mode of time.
AVERAGE Hr: Average heart rate of the exercise.
Coded heart rate transmission: Polar coded transmitter automatically locks in a
code to transmit your heart rate to your wrist unit. In coded transmission the wrist
unit accepts heart rate from your Polar coded transmitter only. Coding significantly
reduces crosstalk caused by other users of heart rate monitors. However, it does not
necessarily reduce all environmental interference.
Electrodes: The electrode areas are on the backside of the transmitter.
EXERCISE: Heart rate measurement mode, stopwatch is on and the exercise
information is recorded.
EXE. TIME: Total exercise time.
FAT: Indicates the fat percentage of the total calorie expenditure.
FILE: File mode to recall training information.
Heart rate: The number of heart beats per minute (bpm)
Heart rate variability: Fluctuations of interbeat intervals. Heart rate variability of a
healthy subject is in general large in resting conditions and during light exercise.
Heart rate variability gradually disappears when exercise becomes more intense and
heart rate increases.
: Maximum heart rate.
IN ZONE: Exercising time in Target Zone.
KCAL: Indicates the energy expenditure of your exercise session.
LIMITS: Manually set target zone limits are determined as percentages of age
predicted or measured maximum heart rate. The percentages are converted into
heart rate beats per minute.
MEASURE: Heart rate measurement mode, stopwatch is off.
OPTIONS: Setting mode for user information, heart rate measurement options and
watch functions.
OWNCAL: Calorie expenditure during exercise.
OWNINDEX: OwnIndex is a score which is comparable to VO
. OwnIndex is a result
of the Polar Fitness Test.
OWNZONE, OZ.: Target zone which Polar Heart Rate Monitor determines for you.
OwnZone is an individual guide for light to moderate exercise intensity.
OZ Indicates OwnZone determination procedure.
OZ.A: Indicates OwnZone limits which are determined according to your age.
OZ.L: Your latest OwnZone limits.
OZ.V: Indicates currently measured OwnZone limits which are based on your heart
rate variability.
SEX: Indicates the gender (Male or Female) in User settings.
Target zone, TZ: The area between the upper and lower target zone limits. Can be
defined automatically by Polar Heart Rate Monitor or manually by yourself.
TIME: Indicates the time of day in the watch settings.
Time of day mode: Display showing time of day.
Tot. KCAL: Cumulative total calorie expenditure of your exercise.
Tot. TIME: Cumulative total exercise time of your exercise sessions.
USER SET: Indicates the setting loop for your personal information.