
Polar Heart Rate Monitor is designed to indicate the level of physiological strain and
intensity in sports and exercise. No other use is intended or implied. Heart rate is
displayed as number of heart beats per minute (bpm).
Polar Connector
Battery type: CR 2025
Battery sealing ring: O-ring 20.0 x 1.0
Material FPM
Battery life: Average 1300 hours of use
Operating temperature: 14 °F to 122 °F / -10 °C to +50 °C
Material: Polyamide
Water resistance: To 100 feet/30 meter
Material: Polyurethane, polyamide, nylon, polyester and elasthane
Wrist Unit
Battery type: CR 2032
Battery life: Average 20 months (1 h / day, 7 days / week)
Operating temperature: 14 °F to 122 °F/-10 °C to +50 °C
Water resistance: to 330 feet/100 meters
Accuracy of formula for
age based OwnZone heart
rate limits (OZ.A): ± 1bpm
Accuracy of heart rate
measurement: ± 1% or ± 1 bpm, whichever larger, definition applies to
steady state conditions
Back Case, Extend
Link Cover's and
wrist strap buckle: Stainless steel complying with the EU Directive 94/27/EU
and its amendment 1999/C 205/05 on the release of
nickel from products intended to come into direct and
prolonged contact with the skin.
Default Settings
Time of day 24h
Alarm OFF
User ID 1
Weight 00
Height 00
Age 0
Sex Male
Activity Low
OwnZone OFF
Upper Limit (manual) 160
Lower Limit (manual) 80
OwnCal OFF
Polar Fitness Test OFF
Limit Values
Chronometer 23 h 59 min 59 s
Heart rate limits 30240 bpm
Kcal 99999 kcal
Tot. kcal 999999 kcal
Tot. time 9999 h 59 min 59 s