
1. HR Alarm Volume Setting
Press the / buttons to select VOL 2 (loud), VOL 1 (quiet), or alarm OFF. Press OK.
2. HR Limits Setting
Press the / buttons to select OWNZONE, AUTOMATIC, MANUAL, or OFF. Press OK.
OWNZONE: Press the / buttons to select HARD, MODERATE, LIGHT, or BASIC limits for OwnZone. Press OK.
The wrist unit displays your previously determined OwnZone limits in the selected zone. If you have not
performed the OwnZone, your age-based limits are displayed. These limits are used if your next OwnZone
determination fails.
Press OK to return to the HR Set view.
For further information on how to determine your OwnZone limits, see the section OwnZone on page 34.
AUTOMATIC: Automatically calculated age-based heart rate limits.
Press the / buttons to select HARD, MODERATE, LIGHT, or BASIC. Press OK. The wrist unit displays the
heart rate limits based on the birth date you have entered.
Press OK to return to the HR Set view.