PVT Drying
IMPORTANT: If operating the ATV through water, be
sure to check the PVT cover and other ATV
components for water ingestion. The ATV should be
checked immediately. Refer to Owner's Manual for
Safe Riding Tips.
To drain any water that may be trapped inside the PVT cover,
simply remove the PVT drain plug and O-ring located on the
bottom of the PVT cover and let the water drain out. The PVT
drain plug is shown below.
To further expel water in the PVT cover and to dry out the PVT
system, shift the transmission to neutral and rev engine slightly
to expel the moisture. This will also air-dry the belt and clutches.
Allow engine RPM to settle to idle speed, shift transmission to
lowest available range and test for belt slippage. Repeat as
needed. Operate ATV in lowest available range for a short
period of time until PVT system is dry.
PVT Disassembly
NOTE: Some fasteners and procedures will vary.
Refer to the appropriate parts manual for proper
fasteners and fastener placement.
1. Remove seat.
2. Remove or loosen cab and footwell fasteners as necessary
to gain access to PVT outer cover.
3. Remove PVT air outlet duct hose.
4. Remove outer PVT cover screws.
5. Mark the drive belt direction of rotation and remove drive
belt. See the “DRIVE BELT REMOVAL” procedure later
in this chapter.
6. Remove drive clutch retaining bolt and remove drive clutch
using puller.
7. Remove driven clutch retaining bolt and driven clutch. Use
puller if necessary.
PVT Drain Plug
PVT Drain Plug & O-Ring
Drive Clutch Puller: (PN 2870506)
Clutch Holding Wrench: (PN 9314177)
Driven Clutch Puller: (PN 2870913)