4. Inspect the rollers in the stationary sheave for signs of wear.
NOTE: Rollers and helix are non-serviceable items.
Replacement of clutch assembly is required if
damaged beyond usable condition.
5. Inspect the bushings inside the moveable sheave. If
replacement is required, use Bushing Removal Kit PN
2871226, following the instructions.
1. Install inner spring retainer (if removed).
2. Install the inner sheave onto the outer sheave.
NOTE: Verify ‘X’ marks on each side of the sheaves
are aligned upon reassembly of sheaves.
3. Install the compression spring.
4. Install the outer retainer on top of spring.
5. Using special tool PN 8700220, compress the outer retainer
onto the shaft and install the snap ring.
Sheave Bushing Inspection:
Replace bushing if more brass than Teflon is
visible on the bushing. Do not clean bushings.
Wear eye protection when working with spring
tensioned components to avoid serious injury.