Typical PDC-2000 workflow
To help you understand the full capabilities of the PDC-2000
camera, a typical workflow sequence is presented below.
After you become familiar with PDC-2000 features, you can
use the camera in other ways to best suit your imaging needs.
1 Take pictures with the camera (Chapter 3).
2 Connect the camera to your computer (Chapter 2).
3 Use your computer to view the pictures stored in the camera
(Chapter 4 for Macintosh, Chapter 5 for PCs).
4 Select the pictures you want to keep and transfer them to the
computer (Chapter 4 or 5).
5 Edit or enhance any of the pictures using an image-processing
application such as Adobe Photoshop. (See instructions with
the application.)
6 Print the picture or use it in another application, such as a
desktop publishing application. (See instructions with the
As an alternative sequence for studio or other stationary
setups, you can leave the PDC-2000 camera permanently
attached to the computer. With the camera connected to the
computer, you can operate the camera controls and take
pictures using the computer’s display, keyboard or mouse.
System requirements
Using the PDC-2000 software to view and manipulate
pictures taken with the PDC-2000 camera requires the
following hardware and software. If you do not have the
required configuration, contact your Polaroid dealer.