PDC-2000 camera
Camera type Handheld point-and-shoot digital camera
Models • PDC-2000/40
• PDC-2000/60
• PDC-2000/T
Sensor resolution Polaroid 1 million pixel CCD
Output resolution High resolution: 800x600 pixels, 24-bit color
(16.7 million colors), 1.4MB file
Super high resolution: 1600x1200 pixels, 24-bit color
(16.7 million colors), 5.6MB file
Picture storage capacity PDC-2000/40: 40 pictures
PDC-2000/60: 60 pictures
PDC-2000/T: No internal picture storage
Computer interface SCSI-2
Standard lens 11mm (38mm equivalent) f/2.8 glass
Optional lens 17mm (60mm equivalent) f/2.8 glass
Focus range Standard lens: 10 inches (26cm) to infinity
Optional lens: 24 inches (61cm) to infinity
PDC-2000 camera specifications 121