
Polycom RMX 2000 Administrator’s Guide
Alias Name/Type
(H.323 Only)
If you are using the endpoint’s alias and not the IP
address, first select the type of alias and then enter
the endpoint’s alias:
H.323 ID (alphanumeric ID)
E.164 (digits 0-9, * and #)
Email ID (email address format,
e.g. abc@example.com)
Participant Number (digits 0-9, * and #
Although all types are supported, the type of alias
is dependent on the gatekeeper’s capabilities. The
most commonly supported alias types are H.323
ID and E.164.
This field is used to enter the Entry Queue ID,
target Conference ID and Conference Password
when defining a cascaded link.
This field is removed from the dialog box when the
ISDN/PSTN protocol is selected.
Table 5-2 New Participant – General Properties (Continued)
Field Description