
Polycom RMX 2000 Administrator’s Guide
File system scan failure File system scan failure:
Failed to scan [file system path].
File system space shortage File system space shortage:
Out of file system space in [file system path]; Free space:
[free space percentage]% ([free space] Blocks) -
Minimum free space required: [minimum free space
percentage]% ([minimum free space] Blocks).
Gatekeeper failure Possible reasons for the Gatekeeper failure:
Failed to register to alternate Gatekeeper.
Gatekeeper discovery state.
- Check GK IP address (GUI, ping)
Gatekeeper DNS Host name not found.
Gatekeeper Registration Timeout.
Gatekeeper rejected GRQ due to invalid revision.
Gatekeeper rejected GRQ due to resource
Gatekeeper rejected GRQ due to Terminal Exclusion.
Gatekeeper rejected GRQ due to unsupported
Gatekeeper rejected GRQ. Reason 18.
Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to Discovery
Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to duplicate alias.
- Check duplicate in aliases or in prefixes
Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to Generic Data.
Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to invalid alias.
Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to invalid call
signaling address.
Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to invalid endpoint ID.
Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to invalid RAS
Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to invalid revision.
Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to invalid state.
Table B-1 Alarms (Continued)
Alarm Code Alarm Description