Chapter 2 -
Web User Interface (UI)
Figure 2-42 Archives Page
Viewing Archive Properties
As shown in Figure 2-42, the Archives page shows the videos that can
currently be seen by users and their video properties, including: video name,
server name, video start time, duration, video recording rate, video protocol
used, whether or not H.239 was used, and the file size.
Table 2-10 Archive Properties Details
Item Details
Video Name
The default name for videos generated by recording follows
the naming rule of “endpoint H.323 name (recording room
name) + recording time”. Video names can be edited after
being generated by recording.
Shows the H.323 name of the Polycom® RSS™ 4000 device
the archive is saved on.
Start Date/Time
The start time is the Polycom® RSS™ 4000 device’s time
when recording starts.
Duration Shows the duration of the archive.
The rate of the connection between the endpoint recording the
video and the Polycom® RSS™ 4000, expressed in Kbps.
The video protocol used by the connection during recording of
the video.
Whether or not H.239 was enabled during recording of the
File Size The size of this archive, expressed in KB.
Looking Up Archives
In the archive table, the user can look up archives by their archive names, as
shown below: