Chapter 5 -
Appendix A – Terminal Setting and User Commands
The preset default login password is “POLYCOM"
After forgetting the login password, a user can use emulation software to connect to
the serial port, and then reset the Polycom® RSS™ 4000. When “…” is displayed on
the emulation software, press "CTRL+C," and the user will be able to login to the
system without entering the password. The user can now use appropriate commands
to change the user login password.
If the password entered is incorrect, the system will ask the user to login
If the password is correct, the Welcome interface will appear.
Overview of Commands
After the user have logged onto the system, enter "?" or "help" after the "#" to
show the available commands.
Available commands:
show Show system information.
help or ? Show this message.
quit Logout.
Enter "quit" after the prompt "#" and press Enter to logout.
# quit
User logout ok.
Please input your password:
System reset
Enter "reboot" after the prompt "#" and press Enter to automatically restart
the system.
# reboot
System is restarting now....
# .................................................
Reset login password
Enter “reset password" after the prompt "#" and press Enter to reset the
current password to the default password (POLYCOM), allowing the user to
reset the login password.