Endpoint Management Overview
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administrative rights can still change the settings on an HDX and RealPresence
Group Series endpoint after the provisioning bundle is applied. However, if a
newer bundle is sent by the CMA system, it will overwrite the user’s changes.
The HDX and RealPresence Group Series system parameters that may be
provisioned in a bundle are limited to the following types:
• Camera configuration settings
• Monitor configuration settings
• Microphone configuration settings
• Security settings
• Home screen settings
How Bundled Provisioning Works
In dynamic management mode, when an HDX and a RealPresence Group
Series system starts up and at designated intervals thereafter, it automatically
polls for new provisioning information from the CMA system. If a
provisioning bundle exists on the CMA system that matches the model of the
polling HDX or RealPresence Group Series endpoint, the provisioning bundle
is sent over a secure HTTPS connection.
Endpoints do not poll for provisioning information if they are in a call. They
restart polling after the call ends.
Provisioning information is applied in the following order:
1 Bundled provisioning, if a bundle exists for the same model.
2 Automatic provisioning profile, if the endpoint is part of a group
assigned a profile.
3 Site provisioning, which takes precedence.
For information about how to download a provisioning profile, see
“Download a Provisioning Bundle” on page 182.
Automatic Provisioning
The CMA system is a gatekeeper; it manages video and audio endpoints.
However, the system also manages users, because endpoints are only useful
when they provide access to users.
Automatic provisioning, which controls the automatic configuration of
dynamically managed endpoints and the management of its video resources,
is also tied to users and groups. That’s because some users and groups may
require significantly more video resources than others.