
System Reports
Polycom, Inc. 293
3 To create one of the conference type report charts, click the appropriate
chart name below the grid. Chart choices include:
The selected chart dynamically appears below the grid.
4 To export the report:
a Click Export.
b In the File Download dialog box, click Save.
c In the Save As dialog box, browse to the location to which to save the
report and click Save.
Scheduled Minutes The sum of the scheduled minutes for all CMA system
scheduled conferences.
Executed Minutes The sum of the actual minutes for all CMA system
scheduled conferences.
Total Parts The sum of the participants that joined CMA system
scheduled conferences.
Avg Parts in MP
The average number of participants that joined
scheduled CMA system multipoint conferences.
Column Description
Column Description
Scheduled vs.
Ad hoc
A chart that compares the number of scheduled
conferences to the number of ad hoc conferences for
each month
Scheduled Types A chart that compares the number of point-to-point,
multipoint, gateway, and embedded multipoint
conferences for each month
Scheduled vs.
Executed Mins
A chart that compares the number of scheduled minutes
to the number of executed minutes for each month
Avg Parts in MP
A chart that displays the average number of participants
in multipoint conferences for each month
Confs on MCUs
A chart that displays the number of point-to-point
conferences hosted on an external MCU for each month