Connecting Over Conference Link2
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There is tremendous design flexibility by mapping the HDX Mute command
to affect the “Mics” virtual channel or virtual channel group. If there is no
“Mics” virtual channel or virtual channel group defined, then no audio paths
will be muted when the end user mutes the Polycom HDX system directly.
Volume Control
The volume setting of a Polycom HDX system is sent automatically to the
SoundStructure device via the Conference Link2 interface whenever the
volume changes on the Polycom HDX system. If the volume changes on the
SoundStructure system, the Polycom HDX does not receive the volume
change event from the SoundStructure device. Only when volume change
commands are sent to the Polycom HDX via a control system or infrared
remote will the volume event be automatically transmitted to the SoundStruc-
ture device.
In the SoundStructure devices the volume value from the Polycom HDX is
mapped to the output fader control on the SoundStructure virtual channel
called “Amplifier”. The mapping subtracts 30 from the HDX volume setting to
create the level to be set on the output fader. The HDX volume settings can
range from 0 to 50 which maps to the SoundStructure fader range of -30 to +20.
The fader command executed on the SoundStructure device is:
set fader “Amplifier” x
where x is the HDX volume level minus 30.
At the maximum volume setting for the Polycom HDX (50), this will cause the
SoundStructure to execute the command
set fader “Amplifier” 20
This will set the fader control for the virtual channel “Amplifier” to 20.
A command status message will be sent out to the SoundStructure control
ports indicating the new fader level.
If the “Mics” definition is not present on the SoundStructure device, NO AUDIO
PATH WILL BE MUTED when the user mutes the HDX. It is the system integrators
responsibility to ensure that the HDX mute signal is mapped effectively to the
SoundStructure if the definition of the “Mics” virtual channel group is changed.