
Chapter 1 - Before You Begin
About this User’s Guide
The MGC WebCommander Web Server Manager User Guide includes the
following topics:
Chapter 1 - Overview
Provides a general description of MGC WebCommander Server
Manager, its configuration and its main features.
Chapter 2 - MGC WebCommander Server Manager Basics
Includes information you need to get the MGC WebCommander
Server Manager application running and describes the application's
main window, menu, toolbar, displaying the database tables,
connecting to the MGC Web Server and connecting to MCUs.
Chapter 3 - Setting Defaults
Includes step-by-step instructions for setting up and managing default
sets for conference templates, participant templates, User Defined field
titles and various system parameters.
Chapter 4 - Options Settings
Information you need to configure the Optional Settings of the Web
Server Manager.
Chapter 5 - Administrator’s Tasks
Includes step-by-step instructions for defining new MCUs,
Permissions, Groups, Users, Labels and MGC Personal Scheduler
templates. These tasks can be performed by users with system
administrator permission only.
Appendix A - Using a Web Portal to Link with the
Three WebCommander conferencing features can be accessed from a
Web Portal via links that are available in the Web Portal
Appendix B - Monitoring a Conference in the WebCommander
using a URL or Form
You can open a monitoring window of a single conference in any Web-
based application by adding the conference URL to that application.