
Chapter 5 - Administrator’s Tasks
Default Group
Five Conference templates, representing each of the main types of
conferences, are included in the database that is shipped with the
WebCommander. The parameters defined in each of these conferences
represent the most commonly used properties for the specific type of
conference. A new Group - Default - is included with the database and it
stores the default conference templates.
The Conference templates in the Default Group include:
Default COP
Default Video
Default Audio
Software Continuous Presence (for H.323-only conferences)
Video Switch
Default templates are useful for providing the with ready-made conferences
that require no modification. The Default Group is displayed in the New
Meeting window when a user logs into the WebCommander site for the first
It is recommended to assign at least Read rights for this group to all users.
When defining new users, make sure that you define their access rights to the
Default group.