NetEngine IAD User Guide
IAD Reports 222
Cumulative CPCS-2 Statistics Report
Common AAL Statistics Report
This report displays when ATM protocol is configured.
Table 12–14.Cumulative CPCS-2 Statistics Report
Parameter Description
Maximum PDU Size Maximum CP-5 Rx frame length (in bytes, without
CPCS trailer)
Transmit bytes counter Total AAL2 Cells sent in bytes.
Transmit microcell counter Total AAL2 Cells sent.
Tx discarded microcells
No. of transmitting cell discarded due to:
- Invalid Microcell Channel
- The Microcell is empty
- Length of the cell is larger than the PDU size
- Transmitted cell overflow
- Cell Allocation Problem
Tx too long microcell errors Length of transmitting cells is larger than PDU size.
Tx reserved UUI errors Value of UUI (User-to-User information) in the
header of the cells transmitted is incorrect.
Receive bytes counter Total AAL2 Cells received in bytes.
Receive microcell counter Total AAL2 Cells received.
Rx discarded microcells
No. of receiving cells discarded because:
- Invalid Microcell Channel
- The microcell is empty
- The cell length is larger than the PDU size
- Transmitted cell overflow
- Cell Allocation Problem
Rx too long microcells
The length of the cells received is larger than the
PDU size.
Rx reserved UUI errors Value of UUI (User-to-User information) in the
header of the cells received is incorrect.
Rx reassembly errors No. of errors of reassembling AAL2 cells:
-Could not allocate an internal Cell buffer
-Value of STF (Start Field) in the header is
-Value of the Sequence Number in the header is
incorrect (out of sequence).
Table 12–15.Common AAL Statistics Report
Parameter Description
Vcc Number the VCC (VPI/VCI value)
Status Current status of this AAL connection. The status is
the addition of the values:
Connection Active: 1
Connection Confirm: 16
Connection Created: 32
Connection Congestion: 2
For example, if status is 33, the connection is Active
and Created.