
NetEngine IAD User Guide
Administration 32
Enabling or Disabling SNMP Traps via EOC
Type U to enable or disable SNMP traps via EOC:
1. The IAD displays the current status and prompt:
SNMP traps sent via EOC are currently DISABLED
To enable traps via EOC, type E. To disable them, type D.
2. The IAD saves the configuration. Continue with other SNMP settings,
or press Escape to return to the Main menu.
3. Reset the IAD (page 15) for changes to take effect.
Configuring Restart Trap Maximum Delay
Type D to configure the restart trap maximum delay time:
1. The IAD displays the prompt:
Enter SNMP Restart Trap Maximum Delay Time in
Seconds (0..600): (0)
2. Type the new value in seconds and press Enter.
3. The IAD saves the configuration. Continue with other SNMP settings,
or press Escape to return to the Main menu.
4. Reset the IAD (page 15) for changes to take effect.