Outgoing Call Restriction Button (#114)
Valid Entries
1 = Assigned to next available button at extension 10
2 = Not Assigned
3 = Select button (then press a programmable button with lights to assign
Outgoing Call Restriction to that button)
(See Figure 2-3 on page 2-22 for the location of special programming buttons such
s and e on system phones.)
To program an Outgoing Call Restriction button at extension 10:
1. Press
f 0 0 s s # 1 1 4 at extension
2. At this point:
■ If you want to assign Outgoing Call Restriction to the first available
button, press
D until a display similar to the following
Outgoing CallRstr Button
1 Assigned - Ext10
■ If you want to remove the Outgoing Call Restriction button
assignment, press
D until a display similar to the following
Outgoing CallRstr Button
2 Not Assigned
■ If you want to assign Outgoing Call Restriction to a specific button,
3. A display similar to the following appears:
Outgoing CallRstr Button
3 Select a Button
Then press a programmable button with lights to assign Outgoing
Call Restriction to that button.
3. Select another procedure or exit programming mode.
4. Label the Outgoing Call Restriction button at extension 10.