Record-a-Call (F24)—Release 3.0 or Later
■ If another user attempts to record a call while two others are being
recorded, and pushes the red steady Record-a-Call button, the system
ignores it.
■ To use this feature, you must assign four ports into Hunt Group 7. This
requires PMVS Release 5 and an upgrade card, which allows the increase
from two to four ports.
1. Press f 0 0 s s c at extension
10 or 11.
2. Enter the number of the extension to be programmed with the feature.
3. Press a programmable button with LEDs.
4. Press
f 2 4.
5. Program another extension or exit programming mode.
To activate the feature, a user would press the programmed feature button when
active on an intercom or CO call.
The green LED at the feature button is turned on steady to indicate that feature
activation has been initiated. When PMVS connects, the LEDs become an
alternating red and green flash.
One of the following will deactivate Record-a-Call:
■ You press the Record-a-Call button again.
■ You hang up the call.
■ PMVS drops the call because the recording time limit was exceeded.
■ If silence is detected on the line for 15 seconds, call recording will