
Appendix Network Connection
ViaVideo User’s Guide 70 www.polycom.com
Through a Virtual Private Network
To configure your ViaVideo to operate through a Virtual Private
Network (VPN) you first need to configure your VPN (in Windows’
Settings>Control Panel>Network>Configuration). Select the VPN
connection as your network connection before launching the
ViaVideo application.
Note Before activating your VPN, make sure that ViaVideo’s
System is Behind a NAT option in the Quality of Service
and Firewall screen (System Info>Setup>H.323>QOS) is
not selected.
When you start ViaVideo, it detects the presence of multiple IP
addresses assigned to your machine, and asks you which one you
want to choose.
Select the IP address of your VPN connection. ViaVideo displays
this address in the System Information screen, in the bottom of the
application window, and in your address book user information.
ViaVideoUG.book Page 70 Thursday, December 7, 2000 2:49 PM