Will not start
Hard to start
Engine will not turn over
Engine clicks but will not
Lnes of power
Exoo_lve vlbraUon
1. Out of fuel.
2. Engine not "CHOKED" properly.
3. Eng_ r_oded.
4. Badsparkplug.
5. Dirty air filter.
6. Dirty fuel _er.
7. Water in fuel.
8. Looseor damaged_dng.
9. Carburetorout of adjusttnrmt.
10. Enginevalvesoutofadjustment.
1. Dirty air filter"
2. Bad spark plug.
3, Weak or dead battery.
4. Dirty fuel filter.
5. Stale or dirtyfuel.
6. Loose or damaged 'wiring.
7. Carburetor out of adjustment.
8. Engine valves out of adjustment.
1. Clutch/brakepedal net depressed.
2. Attachmentclutch is engaged.
3. Weak ordead battery.
4. Blownfuse.
5. Corrodedbattery terminals.
6. Loose ordamagedwiring.
7. Faulty ignitionswitch.
8. Faulty solenoidor starter.
9. Faulty operator presenceswitch(es).
1. Weak or dead battery.
2. Corroded battery terminals.
3. Looseor damagedwiring.
4. Faulty solenoidor starter,
1. Cut_ngtoo much grass/toofast.
2. Throttlein "CHOKE" po_on.
3. Build-upof grass, leavesand trashunder mower.
4. Dirtyair filter.
5. Lowoil level/dirtyoil.
6. Faulty sparkplug.
7. Dirtyfuel filter.
8. Staleor dirtyfuel.
9. Waterinfuel.
10. Spark plug wire loose.
11. Dirty engine air screen/fins.
12. Clrtylclogged muffler.
13. Loose or damaged widng.
14. Carburetor out of adjustment.
15. Engine valves out of adjustment
1. Wom, bent or looee blade.
2. Bent blade mandrel.
3. Loose/damagad part(s).
1. Figfuel tank.
2. See "TO START ENGINE" in Operation sectton.
3. Wait several minutes before attempting to sta_
4. Replane spark pfug.
5. Clean/replace air filter.
6. Replace fuel filter.
7. Drain fuet tank and cadourstor, refill tank with fresh
gasoline and replace fust tilter.
8. Che*_ all wtdng.
9. Sea "To Adjust Carburetor" in Sennse Adjustments
10. Contact an authorized sen4se nenter/dedartmer_
1. CleerJmplace air filter"
2. Replace spark plug.
3. Recharge or replace battery.
4. Replace fuel filter.
5. Drain fuel tank and refill with fresh gasoline.
6. Check all widng.
7. See "To Adjust Carburetor" in Service Adjustments
8. Contact an authodzed service center/department.
1. Depress clutch/brake pedal.
2. Disengage attachment dutch.
3. Recharge or replace battery.
4. Replace fuse.
5. Clean battery terminals.
6. Check all widng,
7. Check/replase ignition switch.
8. Check/replace solenoid or starter,
9. Contact an authorized service center/department
1. Recba_ge or replane battery.
2. Clean battery terminals.
3. Check ell wiring.
4. Check/replace solenoid or starter.
1. Set in "Higher Cut" posilton/redune speed.
2. Adjust throttle control,
3. Clean underside of mower housing.
4. Clean/replane air filter.
5. Check oil level/change oil.
6. Clean and rngap or change spark plug.
7. Replace fuel filter.
8. Drain fu_ tank and refill with fresh gasoline.
9. Drain fuel tank and carburetor, refill tank with fresh
ganoiine and replace fuel filter.
10. Connect and tlghtea spark plug wire.
11. Clean engine air screen/fins.
12. Clean/replace muffler.
13, Check all wiring,
14. See "To Adjust Carburetor" in Service Adjustments
15. Contact an authorized service centor/depatt_sent.
1. Replaceblade. Tightenbladebolt.
2. Replaceblade mandrel.
3. Tightenloosepart(s). Replacedamaged parts.