Engine continues to run
when operator leave=
seat with attachme_
clutch engaged
Poor Clglt + unevetl
Mower bl=Kleswill not
Poor grass discharge
Heedllght(e) not worldng
(if so equipped)
Battery will not charge
Engine "backfires"
when turning engine
1. Faulty ope_t_'-_foty i_ssenoe control system.
1. Worm,pe_ o¢ looseblade.
2. Mo_ ded_ nol level
3. Btddupof gnum.laavee,and lxash ondar mowe_.
4. Benl bladetnandlr_.
5. C_oggedmowe¢deck ve_ holesfrom beildup of
gnul_ lamm_ and trss_ an_nd mandrela.
t. + in Olut:h meollwltsm.
2. Wom,_tamagedrnowecdrl_ belt.
3. Frozenidler pulley.
4. Frozanb4ade mandrel.
t. £ng*_ s1_Jedtoo _ow.
2. Travols_)ed too laet.
3. Wet grse=k
4. M,O_W ded( not level
5. Low/uneven tire _ IXsesum.
6, Worn, bent or loose blape.
7. _ of grass, laavee ecd trash under mower.
8. Mow_ ddve b_t _q0m.
9. Blad_ _lxope_ r_e<L
10. I_ blades used.
1t. Ck_ mower deck _nt holes from buildup of
grass, leaves, and bash around mandrels.
1. Sw_alt _1 "OFF'.
2. Bulb{s) or la_p(s) burned ouL
3. F=_y ,0_ s_
4. Lo_e or d_aged _
5. Bk:_m fuse.
1. Bad batteryc_l(s).
2. Poor cable o0_'_ecttone.
3. Faulty _ (If ee equipped).
4. Faulty alternator.
1. Engine throt'de cor4r_ no( set at "SLOW*
posi_on for 30 seconds before stopping engine.
1. Chad_ wiring, switches and connections. If not
cowected, contact an auff_ized servDceCenter/
t. Rsplaseb_ade._t_b_deb<_
2. Levai mower ped_
3. Clean underside of mowe_ housing.
4. Replace blade mandrel
5. Claan around mandrels to spee veet holes.
1. Remove obs_cdon.
2. Replace mower drive bell
3. Replace idler pulley.
4. Replace blade mandrel.
1. Place throttle control in "FAST" posiiton.
2. Shift to slower speed.
3. Allow grass to dry before mowing.
4. Level mower deck.
5. Check itres for proper air pressure.
6. Replece/sharpan blade. Tighten blade boll
7. Clean underside of mower housing.
8. Replace mower drive belt.
9. Reinstall blades sharp edge down.
10. Replace with blades listed in _is manual.
1t. Clean around mandrels to open vent holes.
1. Turn switch "ON".
2. Replace bulb(s) or lamp(s).
3. Check/replace light switch.
4. Check widng and connections.
5. Replace fuse.
1. Replace hatter'/.
2. Check/elean all connectlans,
3. Replace regulator.
4. Replace alternator.
1. Move throttle control to "SLOW* position and allow
to idle for 30 seconds before stopping engine.