
New Features/Changes
Changes to Drop and Insert
Since Version 7 of the CDM-600 Manual was published, there has been engineering
development to modify the E1 Drop and Insert feature to add high-rate ESC (Engineering
Service Channel) and AUPC (Automatic Uplink Power Control).
New remote control commands
Two new commands have been added to query the Tx and Rx symbol rates. These are TSR?
and RSR? respectively (query-only). This information was already displayed on the front panel,
but had not been available via the remote port.
A front panel lockout feature has been added. Already, when in remote mode, user access of the
front panel of the modem allows viewing of the configuration parameters, but does not allow
changes to the configuration parameters. To make changes via the front panel, the user must
first configure the modem for Local control via the Remote menu. This front panel lockout
(FPL) feature, when activated, prevents or locks-out that ability to configure the modem into
local mode from the front panel.
Refer to the remote control command table, following, for more detail.