The CDM-600 (Figure 1-1) is an Open Network Satellite Modem, intended for both
Intelsat and closed network applications.
• It is compliant with IESS-308/309/310/315 specifications, but also adds
significant other features in closed network modes.
• It offers variable data rates from 2.4 to 20 Mbps, in BPSK, QPSK, Offset QPSK,
8-PSK, 8-QAM and 16-QAM modes. Viterbi, Sequential, concatenated Reed-
Solomon (RS), Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM), Turbo Product Coding (TPC)
and Low-density Parity Check Coding (LDPC) are provided as Forward Error
Correction (FEC) options.
• A full range of interface types is built in (no plug in cards required) including all
G.703 types, and Drop and Insert (both Open and Closed Network) operation
are available.
• The IF frequency range simultaneously covers 52 - 88 MHz and 104 - 176 MHz.
(Units manufactured after February 2005 cover 50 - 90 MHz and 100 - 180 MHz.
The opening screen shows CDM-600(E)- meaning Extended IF range. )
• The modem is compact, 1U high and 12 inches deep, and consumes only 25
watts (typical).
• It has a front panel VFD display and keypad for local configuration and control,
although it can be fully remote-controlled.
Figure 1-1. CDM-600